34750 Whisper Heights Parkway, Winchester, CA 92596


following the example of St. Mother Teresa
& yearning for a close relationship
with Jesus Christ

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Church


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Due to technical difficulties,we are temporarily not livestreaming our 10:15AM English Mass.  Please check back later.   We thank you for your patience.


    Bishop Rojas Message  

  Diocesan Synthesis of the Synod        

Mensaje del Obispo Rojas

  Sintesis Diocesana del Sinodo




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St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta photo

Our Mission Statement

Our church is a worshipping, Catholic community with many ministries, fellowships, and discipleship groups. We are members of the Body of Christ, drawn together and renewed by the Holy Spirit, nurtured by the Sacraments and guided by the word of God toward the full stature of Jesus Christ. Called to be good stewards, graced by God, we serve one another, using our differing gifts with joyful hearts, as we reach out to our neighbors, inviting them to share in the love of God, Faith in Jesus Christ and the experience and certain hope of life in the Holy Spirit.

Office Hours

Office Hours - M-F 9:00-4:00 pm

Office Address
34750 Whisper Heights Parkway, Winchester, CA 92596